Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mystery Shopping

A few more tidbits about MYSTERY SHOPPING for you. There is a scam now going around that they are using checks with a well known Mystery Shopping name on the check. It looks real and even has the name of the owner on the check signed by him/her. They are requesting that you send them a certain amount of money and they guarantee you will make at least 250.00 right away.There never is any guarantee's in mystery shopping that you will make any certain amount. No company can guarantee you this. First off they themselves don't know how many hours you wish to work, or how many shops will be available in your area so how could they guarantee you this?

If you want to be worry free and know which company is good and which is bad, one thing to do is check the Better Business Bureau in the town you live in or the town the company is in. If they have no bad reports on this company you are inquiring about then you are o.k. Another thing to do and a better choice is check this company out in the mystery shopping forums. There are lots of them out there. Check the company out with several of them.

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